Our Guiding Principles
Kim Law sees its work as a calling.
It’s not just a way to make a living; it’s our way to make a difference in our community. Through the law practice, Christopher Kim and his team strive to promote the common good and protect the dignity of the human person. This philosophy of life guides our law firm and service to our clients.
The following are principles by which we seek to serve our clients in every matter we handle:
Begin with the end. Clients come to us because a problem needs to be solved. Before filing any claim or engaging in litigation, we partner with our clients to understand all the relevant facts of the underlying dispute and the clients’ goals. We do this before engaging in any legal process, so the client understands the available strategies and the costs to meet their goals. We believe it is critical to understand the facts and the law, the client’s story, and the client’s goals at the beginning so that a roadmap to resolution can fit the client’s needs.
Pursue excellence in everything. Every detail matters. The small details are the building blocks that influence and impact the bigger details. No part of our job is unimportant.
It’s about you. At Kim Law, we like to win, but this is not about us; we seek to serve you and solve your problem so you can move forward with peace. Our mission is complete if we can deliver the best outcome for you. This guides our recommendations to you and how we litigate each case.
Every case is important. We understand this may be the most difficult time for you and your family. We value every case despite the client’s circumstances, background, the value of the case, and the issues involved. We will do all that we can to achieve the best results for you and your case.
We are your partners. The attorney-client relationship is not a one-way street. To meet your goals, we collaborate and communicate with you regularly to educate you about the case, discuss the factual and legal issues, and address developments that occur throughout a case. Doing so makes sure we litigate your case effectively and efficiently.
Preparation. In litigation, attorneys usually cannot change the facts and law relevant to a case as the events have already occurred. However, one thing that attorneys can control is their preparation. At Kim Law, we strive to understand the facts and law applicable to each case better than the opposing counsel. This level of preparation lets Kim Law develop and maintain a successful litigation strategy, which translates into necessary confidence to seize the courtroom on behalf of its clients before a judge or jury.
Professional and ethical representation. We are passionate litigators and trial attorneys. We will relentlessly pursue the truth and justice for our clients. But we will not thwart the rules of ethics and professional responsibility that govern our profession or engage in uncivil behavior simply to win. Kim Law will represent its clients with integrity and honor in and out of the courtroom.
Lifelong learners. Our skills, confidence, and charisma is a winning formula to advocate on our clients’ behalf. But we also know we can always improve individually and collectively as a firm. At Kim Law, we are lifelong learners and committed to improving our craft so we can continue to serve and deliver the best results for our clients.
Receive the compensation and peace you need to recover. Book a free consultation today.